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Ross D'Urso

Commissioner of the Revenue 

Fauquier County, VA

“I believe Carl possesses the necessary job experience from his property tax work both here in Fauquier County and as a real estate professional in the Commissioner of the Revenue Office in Loudoun County.  Carl understands the personal nature of taxes and will work to serve the taxpayers of Fauquier County well.”

Robert Wertz Jr. 

Commissioner of the Revenue

Loudoun County, VA

"Congratulations on announcing your candidacy for Fauquier County Commissioner of the Revenue. I enthusiastically endorse your candidacy to the citizens of Fauquier. As a seasoned professional with more than a decade of directly-related local government experience, knowledge of land use, rural property appraisal expertise and mass appraisal experience, you are aptly suited for the Commissioner’s role in Fauquier. While I’ll be disappointed to lose a hardworking, knowledgeable leader in the office, your hands on skills will be put to good use as Fauquier’s next Commissioner of the Revenue."

Thomas Blackwell

Commissioner of the Revenue

Essex County, VA

"I am writing to support Carl Wiberg for Fauquier County’s next Commissioner of the Revenue. As Essex County’s Commissioner of the Revenue, I worked with Carl for nearly two years from 2011 to 2013 when he served as chief appraiser during our reassessment. During that time, I knew Carl as a man of integrity, honesty, and service. It was evident from my dealings with Carl that he greatly valued the trust that the citizens and taxpayers here in Essex County placed in him. Carl and I worked closely over those two years on appraisal methodology in order to provide the best service that was fair and equitable to all taxpayers.
I believe that I speak for numerous Commissioners of the Revenue around the commonwealth when I say that Fauquier County will be a better place having Carl Wiberg serving its citizens. I encourage all Fauquier County voters to give their support to Carl at the primary polls on June 11th."

Donna Peake

Commissioner of the Revenue

Clarke County, VA

"To the residents of Fauquier County,

I would like to add my name to the list of those who have already endorsed Carl Wiberg for the office of Commissioner of the Revenue. I first met Carl when he worked on the Clarke County reassessment for my predecessor, Commissioner Warren Arthur. Carl’s previous experience of land and building valuation, along with his knowledge of open space easements, was a great benefit to all of us here in Clarke. His respect for our taxpayers during the assessment and appeal phases of the project and his professionalism in the field was a credit to both him, and to the Clarke County Commissioner’s office. With Ross D’Urso retiring after decades of public service, it is most important for his successor to have first-hand knowledge of the inner workings of a Commissioner’s office and have acquired as much related experience as possible. Carl Wiberg certainly meets these requirements.
Please support Carl during this primary campaign season and remember to go to the polls on June 11th to help elect him your next Fauquier County Commissioner of the Revenue."

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